MU-SE: Course summary

小小小小小翔 2023-01-10 17:21:13
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MU STU ID and FZU STU ID20122454_832001105
Video demo linkLab2-2 Video Demo <<<
Lab3-1 Video Demo <<<
Lab3-2 Video Demo <<<
GitHub linkLab1 GitHub Link <<<
Lab2 GitHub Link <<<
Lab3 (Group Project) GitHub Link <<<


  • CSDN Links of Each Lab
  • Summary and Harvest
  • Technology and Tools
  • Comments

CSDN Links of Each Lab







Summary and Harvest

The study of software engineering is a memorable and rewarding process. From personal programming, pair programming, to team project practice, I was actively involved in the development process of each project. My code volume has increased, and my development capabilities have improved like never before. During the development process, I also learned a lot of development knowledge myself, which improves my self-study ability. Although there are still many things that have not been done well, it has also exercised my thinking ability and programming ability in general. Here are some harvests in detail.

  • Active and effective team communication is very important. Everyone in the team needs to communicate with the team leader and other members throughout the development process. Especially in the development stage of the project, it is necessary to report on the completion progress in a timely manner, whether the established goals can be completed on schedule, and constantly communicate the progress of the work so as to adjust the plan in time. During the testing phase, it is necessary to communicate well with teammates, which aspects can be tested first, and the results will be released in time after the test, so that developers can make changes in time.
  • Reasonable task allocation can improve development efficiency. Reasonable task allocation can greatly reduce the workload of each team member. If the tasks can be assigned according to the knowledge and skills that each person is good at, the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort can be achieved. During the development process of pair programming, I can clearly feel that a reasonable task allocation of labor makes it easier and more efficient for me and another teammate to complete the task. Even though he was unable to return to school due to the epidemic isolation, we still completed the BOBING procedure very well.
  • Self-learning ability is very important for an engineer, whether to become a software engineer or other engineers in the future. I'm responsible for front-end development both in pair programming and team projects. This is undoubtedly a challenge for me because I have never been exposed to the knowledge of front-end development. I use my spare time to continue to learn the knowledge and skills of front-end development in Bilibili and CSDN to ensure that the progress of project development does not lag behind. Self-learning ability reflects an engineer's ability to analyze and solve problems encountered. The development process of this software engineering has greatly improved my self-learning ability, which has benefited me a lot.

Technology and Tools

JavaScript: For web application development, I can add a variety of dynamic functions to web pages to provide a smoother and more beautiful browsing effect

Mysql: database management software, effectively manage and access to our data

ProcessOn: the tool for drawing UML diagrams,it is very convenient

WeChat Mini Program Developer Tool: essential software for developing WeChat mini-programs.

Axure RP: rapid prototyping tool, very simple

Github: it's a great place to learn, and there are a lot of great open-source projects that I can learn from. Code repository hosting increases our team's productivity


  • Judging from the effect of project development, my front-end development level is still limited. In the future, I will also study more in-depth front-end development technology and maybe I will become a front-end development engineer.
  • It is good to have the courage to challenge the unknown. My efforts during this period have benefited me a lot.
  • Teamwork improves my communication skills. It also enhanced my relationship with my teammates.
  • Blogging in English has improved my English ability. I believe it will also be helpful in my postgraduate exams soon.

Finally, I gratefully acknowledge Dr. Qifeng Lin for his guidance and support during the EE308FZ course. I would like to express my gratitude to my teammates. Without everyone's efforts and cooperation, there would be no successful completion of software engineering practice. Good luck for all of you and become a qualified software developer with your hardworking! :)

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福州大学 梅努斯国际工程学院 软件工程(2022秋) 教学
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