EmoGenius Crew —— Code Standards, Sprint Tasks, and Plans

EmoGenius Grew 团队账号 2023-11-21 01:03:29

EmoGenius Crew —— Code Standards, Sprint Tasks, and Plans

Which course does this assignment belong to2301-MUSE Community
Assignment RequirementTeamwork——Alpha Sprint
Team nameEmoGenius Crew
The goal of this assignmentDevelop code specifications, sprint tasks and plans.
Topical Collection EssayEmoGenius Crew - Alpha SprintTopical Collection of Essays
Other references Huawei Internal Code StandardsAlibaba Java Development Manual

Ⅰ. Code Standards

Front-end code specification
Front-end code specification

Ⅱ. Current Sprint Tasks and Plans

Overall Objective

UI group task

  1. Research opinions, modify and improve existing UI layout
  2. Deploy the completed UI design on Android Studio

Front-end group task

  1. Complete the login registration module: including front and back end communication, account uniqueness test, portrait identification login, account secret correctness test, remember password
  2. Complete the Emotion diary module: including back-end communication, voice input, rich text editor, view history
  3. Complete the emotional forum module: including front and back end communication, likes, comments
  4. Complete the emotional communication robot module: including calling OpenAI API and adjusting GPT related parameters
  5. Complete the personal information module: including back-end communication and modification of personal basic information
  6. Complete the rest of the mini-modules, including emotional advice, daily chicken soup, mood calendar and more

Back-end group tasks

  1. Design the corresponding database, service, and front - and back-end interfaces
  2. Implement the corresponding interface and the function of adding, deleting, modifying and checking
  3. The front and back ports are connected to each other and deployed on the server

Time Arrangement

Day1: Team division arrangement, back-end database design and construction, front and back end development and communication testing of login and registration module, open screen interface and login and registration interface layout
Day2:Personal information module front and back end development and communication testing, personal information interface deployment
Day3:The front and back end development and communication test of emotion forum module, emotion forum interface deployment
Day4:The front and back end development and communication test of emotion forum module, emotion forum interface deployment
Day5:The interface of the emotional communication robot module is deployed, and the parameters related to GPT are adjusted, and the interactive functions are added, such as commenting, liking and sharing to the emotional community
Day6:The front-end development of emotional communication robot module
Day7:The front and back end development and communication test of emotion diary module, the main interface and emotion diary interface deployment
Day8:The front and back end development and communication test of emotion diary module, the main interface and emotion diary interface deployment
Day9:Improve and enrich the front-end interface, test and improve the front and back end data interaction speed.
Day10:Conduct comprehensive testing, including functional, performance and safety testing

Personnel Placement

Student NameJob Duties
Yifan WangFront-end development, back-end development, back-end interactive implementation, blog writing
Guohua WuBack-end development, back-end interaction implementation
Tianjun ShiBack-end development, back-end interaction implementation
Yuhao LuBack-end development, PPT production
Xindan ZhangUI design and deployment, project burnout diagram production
Haoyuan ZhengUI design and deployment, project burnout diagram production
Zhaoyou WangUI design and deployment, PPT production
Yanbo WangUI design and deployment, PPT production
Binyue ZhengUI design and deployment, PPT production
Guandong LiFront-end development
Jingzhen FanFront-end development
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【1】项目代码完整且功能都验证ok,确保稳定可靠运行后才上传。欢迎下载使用!在使用过程中,如有问题或建议,请及时私信沟通,帮助解答。 【2】项目主要针对各个计算机相关专业,包括计科、信息安全、数据科学与大数据技术、人工智能、通信、物联网等领域的在校学生、专业教师或企业员工使用。 【3】项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,不仅适用于小白学习入门进阶。也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、初期项目立项演示等。 【4】如果基础还行,或热爱钻研,可基于此项目进行二次开发,DIY其他不同功能,欢迎交流学习。 【注意】 项目下载解压后,项目名字和项目路径不要用中文,否则可能会出现解析不了的错误,建议解压重命名为英文名字后再运行!有问题私信沟通,祝顺利! 基于opencv图像处理+卷积神经网络实现的实时人脸识别python源码+项目说明.zip 1.原理介绍: 人脸检测利用opencv进行图像处理,借用keras框架搭建卷积神经网络,对图像进行特征提取与特征训练,再利用训练好的分类模型进行预测,再将预测标签实时打在每一帧图片上,实现实时人脸检测与人脸标注. ## 2.具体步骤: 2.1数据获取:借由opencv自带的人脸检测haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml进行人脸检测划分,构建起2*1000数据集. 2.2数据处理:利用opencv对图片进行读取,剪切,转为矩阵;划分好图片和标签集 2.3模型训练与保存: > 2.3.1搭建CNN神经网络模型; > 2.3.2对标签进行one-hot编码(用不同位置数组表示不同类型),对图像矩阵进行归一化; > 2.3.3将处理好的数据分批量fit给模型,进行训练. 保存训练好的模型,以便调用. 2.4模型预测:调用训练完成的模型进行识别.



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