AI on Qualcomm Innovators Development Kit的视频教程

chipseeker 2023-12-06 20:09:57

配合QIDK的开源GitHub:GitHub - quic/qidk,推出了25节免费的视频教程,内容列表如下

1)Course Introduction & Overview
2)Chapter 1a - Why On-Device AI Inference?
3)Chapter 1b - Connected Intelligent Edge and Hybrid AI
4)Chapter 1c - Qualcomm AI Engine: Benefits
5)Chapter 1d - Qualcomm Hexagon Processor Advantage
6)Chapter 1e - Qualcomm AI Engine: Hardware & Data Types
7)Chapter 1f - Qualcomm AI Stack
8)Chapter 1g - Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK: Overview & Workflow
9)Chapter 1h - Conversion, Quantization and Execution Examples
10)Chapter 2a - Introduction to QIDK
11)Chapter 2b - QIDK Tools: SNPE Docker and PySNPE
12)Chapter 2c - PySNPE: Model Deployment and Prototyping
13)Chapter 2d - QIDK Model Conversion Guide
14)Chapter 2e - Replacement and User-Defined Operators
15)Chapter 2f - QIDK Model Accuracy - Mixed Precision
16)Chapter 3a - AI Model Efficiency Toolkit (AIMET)
17)Chapter 3b - Quantization
18)Chapter 3c - AIMET Workflow
19)Chapter 3d - AIMET Benefits and Features
20)Chapter 3e - Quantization Techniques: PTQ & QAT
21)Chapter 3f - AIMET Auto-Quant and API Integration
22)Chapter 3g - AIMET Results
23)Chapter 3h - AIMET Model Zoo
24)Chapter 4a - SNPE Docker Walkthrough, Installation and Setup
25)Chapter 4b - Object Detection with YoloNas

教程链接如下 :

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Discover what it takes to develop products that blow your users away—and take market share from your competitors. This book will explain how the principles behind agile product development help designers, developers, architects, and product managers create awesome products; and how to look beyond a shiny user interface to build a great product. Most importantly, this book will give you a shared framework for your product development team to collaborate effectively. Product development involves several key activities—including ideation, discovery, design, development, and delivery—and yet too many companies and innovators focus on just a few of them much to the detriment of the product’s success in the marketplace. As a result we still continue to see high failure rates in new product development, be it inside organizations or startups. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, these failures are largely avoidable. In the last fifteen years, advances in agile software development, lean product development, human-centered design, design thinking, lean startups and product delivery have helped improve individual aspects of product development. However, not enough guidance has been available to integrate them in the context of the product development life cycle. Until now. Product developer extraordinaire Tathagat Varma in Agile Product Development integrates individual knowledge areas into a field manual for product developers. Organized in the way an idea germinates, sprouts, and grows, the book synthesizes the body of knowledge in a pragmatic way that is more natural to the entire product creation process rather than from individual practices that constitute it. In today’s hyper-innovative world, being first to the market, or delivering feature-loaded products, or even offering the latest technology doesn’t guarantee success anymore. Sure, those elements are all needed in the right measures, but they are not sufficient by themselves. And getting it right couldn’t be more important: Building products that deliver awesome user experiences is the top challenge facing businesses today, especially in a post-Apple world where user experience and design has been elevated to a cult status. What you’ll learn How to stimulate creativity and prioritization of ideas in product design How to get early feedback on initial product idea iterations How to design and develop products using sound engineering practices How to apply principles of agility into software delivery Who this book is for Entrepreneurs, designers, developers, product managers, software architects. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Preamble Chapter 2: Discover Chapter 3: Deliberate Chapter 4: Describe Chapter 5: Design Chapter 6: Develop Chapter 7: Deliver
Mastering Full-Stack React Web Development by Tomasz Dyl English | 28 Apr. 2017 | ASIN: B01G5LOM3I | 386 Pages | AZW3 | 12.89 MB Key Features Harness the impressive power of ReactJS and rethink full-stack web development Build dynamic web applications using the tools created by the innovators driving the tech industry Combine the powers of React, Node, MongoDB, and Falcor to create highly scalable real-time apps. Book Description Full-stack web development is being redefined by the impact of ReactJS. If MEAN demonstrated just how effective combining JavaScript frameworks and tools could be for the modern web developer, by replacing Angular with React, developers have an easier way to build isomorphic web applications where code can run on both the client and server. This book will get you up to speed with one of the latest strategies to meet the demands of today's dynamic and data-intensive web. Combining detailed insights and guidance with practical and actionable information that will ensure you can build a complete isomorphic web app, it's an essential resource for the forward-thinking developer. You'll see how its flexibility is a core part of any full-stack developer's workflow, as well as learning how to use Mongoose alongside it to make data storage safer and more reliable. What you will learn See how to build a full-stack app that is scalable and designed for the demands of modern users Create a powerful JWT-based authentication full-stack “starter-kit” Make your app extremely stable and resilient with Redux and its immutable single state tree Explore the new possibilities given by Falcor, the middleware built by Netflix Find out how Redux works alongside ReactJS – and how it makes building an isomorphic app easier Deploy and maintain your apps successfully using Docker and AWS About the Author Tomasz Dyl has worked with React since 2014. He's the technical lead developer for React Poland. The team focuses on cross-platform full-stack development usi



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