06 Group - Sprint log 3

Baby Crab 2022-12-23 15:11:43
The Link Your Classhttps://bbs.csdn.net/forums/MUEE308FZU202201
The Link of Requirements of This Assignmenthttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/611173125
Sprint Summary Linkhttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/611216699
Video demo linkhttps://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bg411J7BS/
GitHub linkhttps://github.com/Software-Project-2022/Lab

1.The progress of this sprint

MemberCompleted TasksDuration of the tasksProblem EncounteredHow to Solution
Xie SiyanUI design and preliminary logic implementation8hMore time is needed for logical sortingConsult with team members to simplify logic as much as possible
Wu JiayiUI design and improvement7hSame question as the group member aboveSolving by referring to the UI designed by others
Chen KejingMaster back-end function and assist front-end programmer8hThe master of the program is not familiar enough and some functions are difficult to achieveMake appropriate substitutions for certain operations to meet user requirements
Yu XintongOptimize and modify the function、auxiliary front-end programmer8hSome development logic exceptions occur and need to be debuggedLook at CSDN or other learning sites to clarify the logic and streamline the program
Wu chenjieDebug and process the existing program code9hSome of the code is not running properlyBy consulting books, websites and other ways to try to debug the code in the function block repair
Wang SiyiImplement front-end function design and communicate with back-end program personnel to confirm details7hBack-end functionality is not perfectly implementedDiscuss with the front-end programmer to modify part of the front-end design to meet the normal and stable implementation of the back-end program
Xie ShuhuiFeedback the back-end situation to the front-end programmer in real time and debug the back-end function8hThe idea of back-end program architecture is not perfectLearn from the website or refer to other people's ideas to improve the architecture ideas to achieve back-end functions

2.record of the stand-up meeting

a. Meeting content

In this sprint meeting, we compared our planned and actual deliverable from the beginning of the project, analyzed some technical difficulties (especially in code writing) that still exist for us at this stage, and discussed the corresponding solutions. Finally, we further clarified and refined the division of labor of team members.

b. Meeting process


3.Progress of the development

a. Github


b. Screenshots




c. Progress

So far, we have basically implemented most of the functions, such as recipe query, calorie query and food record. At the same time, we also optimize the overall program interface confusion problem, improve the interface enjoyment. However, at present, our main problem lies in the failure to obtain random results caused by the random anomaly of the rotary table function, which is also the main part of our subsequent modification and improvement.

d. Burndown Chart


4. Contribution table

MemberContributionContribution degree
Xie SiyanUI design, defense,presentation,PPTmaking100
Wu JiayiUI design, PPTmaking, defense preperation100
Chen KejingBack-end writing, blog writing100
Wu ChenjieBack-end writing, blog writing100
Yu XintongBack-end writing, blog writing100
Wang SiyiFront-end writing, vedio makinng100
Xie ShuhuiBack-end writing, blog writing100

5. Use case


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福州大学 梅努斯国际工程学院 软件工程(2022秋) 教学
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