06 Group-Sprint Summary

Baby Crab 2022-12-23 21:23:34
The Link Your Classhttps://bbs.csdn.net/forums/MUEE308FZU202201
The Link of Requirements of This Assignmenthttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/610142480?spm=1001.2014.3001.6377
Sprint Summary Linkhttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/611216699
Video demo linkhttps://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bg411J7BS/
GitHub linkhttps://github.com/Software-Project-2022/Lab


  • 1. Sprint Plan
  • 2. Sprint Collection
  • 3.Project Expectations
  • 4. Actual progress
  • 5. Process Experience
  • 6. Division of Labor
  • 7. Link


1. Sprint Plan

06 Group — Sprint Plan

2. Sprint Collection

Sprint Log NameSprint Log Blog LinkWorkload CompletedPercentage of Completed Workload
Sprint Log Plan(12.5)https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/610162177?spm=1001.2014.3001.6377--
Sprint Log 1(12.6)https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/6112091781. The realization of the basic framework of network appearance and function is determined;
2. Understood the basic idea of how to design a user-friendly interface and began to make the framework.
Sprint Log 2(12.8)https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/6112095221. Identified the codes and blocks that need to be changed and adjusted;
2. Determine the basic framework of the appearance and function of the web page;
3. Realized some simple functions and representations, such as webpage jump and back-end database.
Sprint Log 3(12.10)https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/6112093271. Basically realized most functions, such as recipe query, calorie query and food record;
2. We also optimized the chaotic interface of the whole program, and improved the enjoyment of the interface;
3. A problem is found: Random anomalies in the rotary table function cause that random results cannot be obtained, and the problem is debugged and modified later.
Sprint Log 4(12.12)https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/6112094391. Fixed some UI bugs and improved the mobile ledger function;
2. Code modification and test for the failure of the turntable to generate random results.
Sprint Log 5(12.14)https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/6112095011. Realized the basic functions of the whole project, conducted the final code debugging operation to ensure the stability of the project program;
2. Solved some details, such as enriching the details of the turntable function and modifying the problem of random anomalies of the turntable;
3. Optimized the final manual page to provide better user experience.

3.Project Expectations

In this project, we plan to complete a multi-functional and interesting tool-based healthy eating website to provide users with help with complementary healthy eating, cooking instruction, funny turntable, daily records and so on. In this website, we mainly plan to implement the following basic functions.

💡Random turntable: Users can add, delete or modify the content inside the wheel at will.
💡Recipes: Provide users with the preparation methods of different kinds of food and the calories they contain. Users can upload their own recipes.
💡Calorie reference: Categories provide users with calorie references for some common foods.
💡Daily records: First is diet records, users record food, calories. Then is weight Record, the users enters the weight to generate a weight change curve.
💡Ledger production: users can design the page freely.

In addition, we also expect to do more outstanding work in the final video production and daily blog writing.

4. Actual progress

⏲️ Random turntable
The current random turntable function is already done. The page to open the turntable has a default turntable, click Modify to customize the content and number of options of the turntable, and the turntable will pop up to display the random content after the turntable is random.


🧑‍🍳 Recipes
The recipe page has four categories: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Users can choose recipes according to their needs. At the moment the recipes in our site are not rich enough and there are fewer choices. At present, we have designed the upload recipe page, but it cannot be used properly because of the server.


🧾 Calorie reference
On the calorie reference page, we provide calories from some common food
s for users with calorie control needs, and our data is not sufficient at present, only providing calorie data for a few foods.


✍️ Daily records
Diet records: Users enter the date, the food eaten that day, and the calories contained in the food to urge the user to eat healthily.
Weight record: Users enter their own weight, generate a change curve, and urge users to manage themselves.



🎨 ledger production
Provide users with a blank page where they can freely enter any text for typesetting. Due to technical limitations, we have not yet developed a fully functional ledger page such as painting.


5. Process Experience

Xie Siyan
In this software engineering project, I learned how to design a software from scratch.
First, facing a project, we should first set the general goal and know what we are going to do. Second, we need to break the overall goal into smaller goals and understand how we should do it. Finally, it is necessary to effectively manage the target, check the progress of the target, whether the direction deviates.
Second, teamwork is very important. In this project, the team has a clear division of labor from the preliminary preparation, software design and report writing. Each team member performs his/her duties so that he/she can understand his/her responsibilities and improve the working efficiency of the team. However, we did not ignore the importance of collaboration. During the implementation process, team members helped each other to cope with difficulties and challenges together.
Third, communication skills are essential. Good communication can make the project progress with half the effort

Wang Siyi
This project is undoubtedly a huge challenge for us, before for us to make web pages is an unfamiliar task, we learned from scratch how to use the VUE framework, how to make web pages and understand the language functions, searched many sentences and examples on the CSDN for reference, also read a large number of teaching videos, asked a lot of experienced professionals for advice, before making this work, although there are still many flaws, But it was a huge challenge and progress for our group.

Wu Jiayi
In the UI design, pay attention to the size and resolution of the image, try to export the material without background color, pay attention to the cropping of the image, do not leave too much white space; Timely communicate with front-end developers in case of UI anomaly and modify materials; The UI design style should be unified, and the user should think from the perspective of the user to design the most comfortable and concise UI for the user.

Xie Shuhui
This project was my first time making a website, and I was a little nervous before the project started. In the team division I was responsible for the front end of the website, and during the writing process, I spent a lot of time trying to perfectly recreate the design of the prototype. In this project, I learned that as long as you are willing to work hard, even things that you don't know and don't understand can be quickly started. I also feel the importance of effective communication with the team members in charge of other tasks, and the effectiveness of communication is reflected in the product details. All in all, I benefited a lot from this project, not only learned some things that I can't learn in ordinary courses, but also made me more willing to be an active worker in future group cooperation.

Yu Xintong
Through this one-month project practice, I have grown up a lot and learned a lot. From the beginning of the blank to the back of the familiar and then produced a strong interest. During this project practice, I learned how to use Markdown format to write blog completely and effectively, learned HTML web design, learned how to design UI interface and a series of program blocks. At the same time, through this project, I learned more about how to communicate and cooperate among teams, and how to make the team efficiency achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Chen Kejing
I have gained a lot from this project. First of all, I learned the complete steps of network program from design to development to problem solving, and improved my programming ability and teamwork ability. Secondly, I enhanced my understanding of software development. Finally, I deeply realized that the completion of the whole project can not be separated from the close cooperation, in-depth communication and selfless dedication of the team.

Wu Chenjie

This particular experiment allowed us to design and implement a website with multiple functions as if we were a real software team. In the experiment we demonstrated our creative imagination and more problem solving skills. After this experiment I learned that teamwork, each member has a different division of labor positioning, just like a good machine needs a lot of good parts, one cannot be missing. I also learned the importance of learning from and imitating. In the first experience of a big team project, we go to the internet to refer to other people's ideas can make us make less mistakes. It can also help us to implement the function better.


6. Division of Labor

Xie SiyanUI design,PPTmaking,presentation,defense14.3
Wu JiayiUI design, PPTmaking, defense preperation,blog writing14.3
Chen KejingBack-end writing, blog writing14.3
Wu ChenjieBack-end writing, blog writing14.3
Yu XintongBack-end writing, blog writing14.3
Wang SiyiFront-end writing, vedio makinng14.3
Xie ShuhuiFront-end writing, blog writing14.3


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