Group 01 - Sprint Summary

阮喆吉 2022-12-24 21:04:03
The Link Your Class
The Link of Requirement of This Assignment
Group number and Group nameGroup 1_Seven boys
Team Project Topicwarehouse management system
Sprint Summary LinkSprint Summary Link
Sprint Collection LinkSprint Collection
Video demo linkPreview Demo
Vlog linkFinal Demo
GitHub link



  • 1. Collection of Sprint Logs
  • 2. Project Expectations
  • 3. Actual Progress
  • Mindmap of our project
  • burnout map
  • 4. Process Experience
  • Sun Fuze(Leader)
  • Kang Weiqi
  • Zhang Liujue
  • Ruan Zheji
  • Lin Hongye
  • Zhao Yunlong
  • Zhang Yechen
  • 5. Division of Labor and Workload Ratio
  • 6. Link Address

1. Collection of Sprint Logs

Sprint Log LinkCompleted workload(%)Remaining workload(%)Proportion of total amount(%)Date
Sprint plan010002022.12.04
Sprint log 1(1/5)1585152022.12.06
Sprint log 2(2/5)3070152022.12.08
Sprint log 3(3/5)5050202022.12.10
Sprint log 4(4/5)6040102022.12.12
Sprint log 5(5/5)1000402022.12.22

2. Project Expectations

Before the midterm defense, our project already had some development progress on the back-end side, so the main tasks of this alpha sprint are to develop the back-end of some unrealized functions, complete the front-end interface display, and optimize the project based on the comments received from the midterm defense.

The main tasks are shown below.
(1)Optimize the back-end database related code to improve the storage of user and administrator information.
(2)Create a web page to connect to the back-end and visualize the project.
(3)Make some changes to the functional design based on the comments received from the midterm defense.
(4)Make the software more targeted
(5)Produce a stage sprint log and project presentation vlog.

3. Actual Progress

Mindmap of our project


User Login:
Login to the system in user mode by registering an account, and perform basic password retrieval and personal information modification.
Administrator Login:
Login to the system in administrator mode by registering an account. Similar to user login, administrators can perform basic password retrieval and personal information modification.
User management:
Can edit user’s information,and add a user to login the system,you can also delete a user’s information and power in system.
Item management:Can edit and manage item’s amount,you can add or minus it.You can also change item’s type, for example,you can change a item from fruit to meat,finally,you can also move a item from one warehouse to any other warehouse.
Warehouse management:you can add or delete any warehouse if you want.
Records management:you can manage any records such as who permit or refuse the information,or who operates which item from which warehouse with item’s category.

burnout map


4. Process Experience

Sun Fuze(Leader)

In this project, as a team leader, I assign tasks to team members and coordinate project progress, responsible for writing back-end code of the project and making demo videos. Through this project, I learned how to reasonably assign tasks to team members so as to maximize work efficiency. Meanwhile, I also learned a lot of knowledge about the back end. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our team members, who are friendly, hard-working and excellent. It is my great honor to be able to progress with you all!

Kang Weiqi

In this project, I cooperate with Zhang Liujue and Lin Hongye, mainly responsible for the preparation of the report, including prototype design, interface design and so on. In the process of cooperation, we have realized the significance of software engineering in the actual project development. In the process of building the project, we gradually made the project professional and industrial progress, and also laid the foundation for future work.

Zhang Liujue

In this project, I cooperate with Kang Weiqi and Lin Hongye, mainly responsible for the preparation of the report, including project introduction, function description and so on, learned to do software development project analysis, target user portrait and other skills that will be used in the future work, It was a valuable experience for me to combine the knowledge and practice learned in the software engineering course with my classmates this time. In the process of project practice, I made innovations based on previous project experience, improved my professional processing ability, and cultivated the ability of win-win cooperation with teammates.

Ruan Zheji

In this project, I am mainly responsible for project requirement analysis, team logo design, back-end data collection and blog writing. Through this project, I not only learned a lot of knowledge about the back end, but also learned how to cooperate with my teammates to complete a project. Most of my previous project experience was individual execution, which was very different from working with multiple people. So these will be of great help to my future study and work. What’s more, I feel honored to progress with my teammates and finally finish this project.

Lin Hongye

In this project, I cooperate with Kang Weiqi and Zhang Liujue, and I’m mainly responsible for the preparation of the report, including mind map design, project requirement analysis and so on. Through this project, I realized that as a product manager, not only do I need to have the ability to innovate and propose novel functional points, but more importantly, I need to act as a bridge between users and developers during the project implementation process, constantly adjusting requirements and arranging the project schedule according to the actual situation. In addition, I realized the importance of teamwork in this project, which greatly improves the work efficiency of the team.

Zhao Yunlong

In this project, as the technical core of the team, I am mainly responsible for learning front-end knowledge and writing front-end code of the project. Through learning the front-end, I feel that the programming is very procedural sense, is logical to find; A basic web page, no matter how complex, can also be broken down into multiple parts, and each part can be subdivided again, and then use the knowledge learned, step by step to achieve the realization of each detail effect, as if everything is not so difficult to do. In this project, I also understand the importance of teamwork, because teamwork can develop each member's strengths and make up for each other's shortcomings.

Zhang Yechen

In this project, as the technical core of the team, I am mainly responsible for correcting code errors and making ppt. Although my workload isn't that the toughest and timeconsuming in our team, I gained numerous experiences. It was when I helped the team to correct the errors in the code that I realized the difficulty of software engineering development and code writing, which also strengthened my determination to further learn this knowledge. Meanwhile, I find that the power of teamwork is huge and surprising, and I have learned how to play my role well in a team and how to cooperate with my teammates to push the project to another peak. I think I will benefit from it for a long time to come.

5. Division of Labor and Workload Ratio

NameTask ContentsProportion
Sun Fuze (Leader)Project Manager, Video Editing and Back-end development102%
Ruan Zhejiburnout map, Back-end development and Defense99%
Zhang Yechenppt, Back-end development and Debug100%
Lin HongyeFront-end, testing and Document Writing100%
Zhao YunlongFront end part and Defense102%
Zhang LiujueDocument Writing and Front-end99%
Kang WeiqiDocument Writing98%
Total7members in our team700%
NameWorkload ratio
Sun Fuze (Leader)15%
Zhao Yunlong15%
Lin Hongye15%
Zhang Liujue15%
Kang Weiqi10%
Zhang Yechen15%
Ruan Zheji15%

6. Link Address

Code warehouse address :
PPT link address : ppt
Our final demo video: Final Demo

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福州大学 梅努斯国际工程学院 软件工程(2022秋) 教学
软件工程 高校
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