03 Group- Sprint Summary

SummerHuMIao 2022-12-25 01:16:41
The Link Your Classhttps://bbs.csdn.net/forums/MUEE308FZU202201
The Link of Requirement of This Assignmenthttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/610142480?spm=1001.2014.3001.6377
TeamName03-路橙 人间小橘子
Video demo linkhttps://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1H44y1o7cv/?vd_source=da9a3f20de34905daef3a145b2b92ab3
GitHub linkhttps://github.com/EE308-GROUP03
Group Spring Planhttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/610350642
sprint collectionhttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/611196537


  • Describe project expectations
  • The actual progress of the project
  • Process experience of each member
  • The division of work and the proportion of work done
  • GitHub repository
  • PPT LInk

name of each log blogthe corresponding dateworkload completed on that daythe remaining workloadthe percentage of completed workloadlink
03 Group - Sprint Log 1st (12.06)12.61.Logging in interface,Open screen animation production2.Completing the taxi interface3.Voice Assistant Interface4.Completing friend module interface5.Completing the back end code of log in and register6.Departure module interface7. Software function analysis 8. Write test plans 9. Write automated test scripts 10. Write test cases1.Connecting with the back end to realize the registration function,Logical writing of the page agreeing to the protocol2.Completing the bus interface3.Animation of voice assistant4.Adding and delete data5.Completing the back end code of friend module6.Completing the back end code of friend module1.Trying to complete Wechat login,Wechat agrees to authorize and write logic2.Trying to integrate Baidu API3.Trying to integrate Baidu voice assistant4.Calling back end interface5.Continuing learning interface call6.Listening to server1.Completed the telephone login, try to figure out the quick login,One-click login interface, third-party login, logo embedded2.Completed skipping to the health QR code3.Completed the animation of the open screen4.Completed the function of dispalying the user automatically according to the telephone number5.Completing the back end code of log in and register 6.Completing the back end code of friend module 7.Continuing learning interface call8.Departure module interface 9.Connecting to server 10.Listening to server1.Complete telephone login and quit login,Telephone input page is written2.Completed skipping to the health QR code and integrate Baidu API3.Completed to Integrate Baidu voice assistant4.Completed.Calling back end interface5.Compleed the back end code of log in and friend module ,tring to completed learning interface call6.Completed to connect to server and listening to server20%03 Group - Sprint Log 1st (12.06)
03 Group - Sprint Log 2nd (12.08)12.081.Connecting with the back end to realize the registration function,Logical writing of the page agreeing to the protocol2.Completing the bus interface3.Animation of voice assistant4.Adding and delete data5.Completing the back end code of friend module6.Completing the back end code of friend module7. Finished software function analysis 8. Finished writing test plan 9. Finished writing automated test script 10. Finish writing test cases 11. Develop performance test scripts 12. Start setting up the development environment 13. Start executing the test case1.Trying to complete Wechat login,Wechat agrees to authorize and write logic2.Trying to integrate Baidu API3.Trying to integrate Baidu voice assistant4.Calling back end interface5.Continuing learning interface call6.Listening to server1.Completed the telephone login, try to figure out the quick login,One-click login interface, third-party login, logo embedded2.Completed skipping to the health QR code3.Completed the animation of the open screen4.Completed the function of dispalying the user automatically according to the telephone number5.Completing the back end code of log in and register 6.Completing the back end code of friend module 7.Continuing learning interface call8.Departure module interface 9.Connecting to server 10.Listening to server1.Complete telephone login and quit login,Telephone input page is written2.Completed skipping to the health QR code and integrate Baidu API3.Completed to Integrate Baidu voice assistant4.Completed.Calling back end interface5.Compleed the back end code of log in and friend module ,tring to completed learning interface call6.Completed to connect to server and listening to server20%03 Group - Sprint Log 2nd (12.08)
03 Group - Sprint Log 3rd(12.10)12.101.Trying to complete Wechat login,Wechat agrees to authorize and write logic2.Trying to integrate Baidu API3.Trying to integrate Baidu voice assistant4.Calling back end interface5.Continuing learning interface call6.Listening to server1.Completed the telephone login, try to figure out the quick login,One-click login interface, third-party login, logo embedded2.Completed skipping to the health QR code3.Completed the animation of the open screen4.Completed the function of dispalying the user automatically according to the telephone number5.Completing the back end code of log in and register 6.Completing the back end code of friend module 7.Continuing learning interface call8.Departure module interface 9.Connecting to server 10.Listening to server11. Finished software function analysis 12. Finished writing test plan 13. Finished writing automated test script 14. Finished writing test cases 15. Finished developing performance test scripts 16. Finished building development environment 17. Finish executing the test case20%03 Group - Sprint Log 3rd (12.10)
03 Group - Sprint Log 4th (12.12)12.121.Completed the telephone login, try to figure out the quick login,One-click login interface, third-party login, logo embedded2.Completed skipping to the health QR code3.Completed the animation of the open screen4.Completed the function of dispalying the user automatically according to the telephone number5.Completing the back end code of log in and register 6.Completing the back end code of friend module 7.Continuing learning interface call8.Departure module interface 9.Connecting to server Listening to server 10. Finished software function analysis 11. Finished writing test plan 9. Finished writing automated test script 12. Finished writing test cases 13. Finished developing performance test scripts 14. Finished building development environment 15. Complete the test case execution 16. Start performance test execution 17. Start test result analysis 18. Complete defect management 19. Begin automated test execution 20. Begin reporting defect analysis1.Complete telephone login and quit login,Telephone input page is written2.Completed skipping to the health QR code and integrate Baidu API3.Completed to Integrate Baidu voice assistant4.Completed.Calling back end interface5.Compleed the back end code of log in and friend module ,tring to completed learning interface call6.Completed to connect to server and listening to server20%03 Group - Sprint Log 4th(12.12)
03 Group - Sprint Log 5th(12.14)12.141.Complete telephone login and quit login,Telephone input page is written2.Completed skipping to the health QR code and integrate Baidu API3.Completed to Integrate Baidu voice assistant4.Completed.Calling back end interface5.Compleed the back end code of log in and friend module ,tring to completed learning interface call6.Completed to connect to server and listening to server7. Finished software function analysis 8. Finished writing test plan 9. Finished writing automated test script 10. Finish writing test cases 11. Finish developing performance test scripts 12. Finish building development environment 13. Complete the test case execution 14. Complete the performance test execution 15. Complete the test result analysis 16. Complete defect management 17. Complete automated test execution 18. Complete report defect analysisnothing20%03 Group - Sprint Log 5th(12.14)

Describe project expectations

Our expectation is to complete the project functionality (voice module, ride module, consumer module, relatives module and so on) and testing

The actual progress of the project

We have done all the functions.




We have been able to achieve voice module, ride module, consumer module, relatives module and so on.

Process experience of each member


Zhou Miaolan
In this project, I served as the leader and was responsible for the login module, namely mobile phone number login and wechat authorized login, as well as related animation design and front-end code writing of consumer praise. I led our team to solve many problems and adjusted the work allocation of our team. Finally, our team successfully completed this project. In the course of project completion and software engineering, I realized that we still had a lot to learn. Programming is not just writing code, but also a process of finding and solving problems. Our ability to write code in the process of implementing the project we designed was important, but I think more important was our ability to solve problems analytically and work in a team. I feel I benefited a lot from completing this project.

Chen Nuo
In this project, I was responsible for the front-end work of the vehicle module and solved many real problems. I also learned a lot through cooperation with team members. Because of previous development experience and knowledge of flutter, it was not difficult to learn and get started with Flutter. Through the study of this project, I have improved my development efficiency and gained a new understanding of the course of software engineering. The cooperation with team members also enabled us to better complete the corresponding plan and work, and develop the products we had anticipated before.

Yang Yang
I am responsible for the front-end work of the voice module in this software engineering project. I have participated in some related activities and cooperated with different classmates before, so I didn't learn much about technology. However, each completion of a project means a different problem and challenge, so each process of completing a project will benefit me a lot. This project enriched my understanding of software engineering. We have understood the importance of teamwork before this project, and it is the same in this project. The excellent cooperation of our team in this project enabled us to complete the planned project on time.

Pan Chenlu
In this project, I used my software engineering knowledge to complete the work of writing the front-end of the mutual assistance module in this project. In this project, I learned some brand new knowledge and programming tools and skills. Through the communication with my classmates in the group, I learned some front-end skills and made innovations based on these skills. In the process of cooperation, I understand the importance of software development for developers. This will bring good benefits to my future study and work, provide me with professional knowledge and rich and novel experience, and lay a foundation for me to participate in more projects and practices in the future.

Hu Wenjing
In this project, I was responsible for writing the front-end code of remote connection. I completed my task by searching for materials on the Internet and self-learning. The biggest benefit to me from this project is the acquisition of professional knowledge. I have no rich programming experience before. This project provided me with a good learning opportunity. The group cooperation allowed us to get together and discuss, so that we could raise doubts and solve problems together with others. In this team software engineering project, I enriched my programming experience in cooperation and developed a strong interest in development. I hope to have the opportunity to participate in such a program in the future.

Zhong Xiaojia
In this project, I was responsible for the writing of the back end of the project. Through this project, I understood the basic process of software development and understood that software development is not only about writing codes and developing programs, but also a creative and often frustrating work that requires team cooperation. Although I had Django experience before, it was a pain to learn spring. In the process of the project, I understood the importance of teamwork, especially when all of us are busy with school work. I also understood that one's energy is limited. In our team, a lot of work is done together, which also makes me understand that the ability of each individual in the team is very important, pay attention to the team spirit, the team with the ability to work will work efficiently.

The division of work and the proportion of work done

Team MemberDivisionproportion of work done
Zhou Miaolan (Team Leader)login module,consumer praise module and Performance Test Engineer102%
Chen NuoUser ride module and Test Manager102%
Yang YangVoice module and Automation Test Engineer102%
Pan Chenlufriend module and Black Box Test Engineer96%
Zhong Xiaojiaback-end code and Automatic Test Engineer102%
Hu Wenjingremote assistance module and Black Box Test Engineer96%

GitHub repository




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