MU-SE: Course summary

weixin_54657016 2023-01-12 23:37:58


  • 1.CSDN Links
  • 2.Summary And Harvest
  • 2.1Personal Programming
  • 2.2Pair Programming
  • 2.3On-site Programming
  • 2.4Team Project
  • 3.Technology And Tools
  • 3.1Wechat Development Tools
  • 3.2Ink Knife
  • 3.3Process On
  • 3.4Flutter
  • 4.Sincere Summary
  • 5.Video Link And Github Link
(EE308 Course Summary)
EE308-Course Summary

The Link Your Class
The Link of Requirement of This Assignment
MU STU ID and FZU STU ID20122586_832001315
Video demo (Lab 2) link
Video demo (Lab 3-1) link
Video demo (Lab 3-2) link
GitHub link (Lab2)
GitHub link (Lab3)








2.Summary And Harvest

2.1Personal Programming

During the personal programming process, I went back to my old programming tools and learned to use new ones
🌕 C++: Use C++ for programming tasks and write required programs for use. In the process of programming, the PSP form is used to record the completion time of the task, and draw the program logic and flow chart.

😍 Markdown: This is the first time for me to use Markdown tool. From being strange at the beginning, I became proficient in using Markdown to record every software development process. Markdown allowed me to clearly record the success and shortcomings of every software development process.
🎃 Github: In my personal programming task, I set up my first Github repository and uploaded the program code for download. In the past, I managed the code by myself. This time, I was exposed to open source for the first time. It was very convenient to share, which laid the foundation for the pair programming and team programming.

2.2Pair Programming

This was my first experience with pair co-programming. The cooperation with my partner was very pleasant and the whole programming development process was very substantial 👍. First of all, we made a strict and reasonable task time planning, each of us studied different modules, and finally summarized and merged them to effectively improve work efficiency. The NABCD model was used to analyze the Bobing program, the PSP form was used to record the task time, and the use case diagram was used to analyze the use case.
①Interface Prototype: I first learned prototype design, searched teaching videos on B website for learning, and chose to use the ink knife as a design tool. Then carry out the page prototype design of the Bobing mini program, collect the component elements and colors needed for the page, and then process the elements through PS, and then use the ink knife tool to design the UI page.




②Front-end Code: In the coding stage, I first independently learned wxml, json, js and wxss files. Using Wechat development tools to write code, compared with the UI page in the previous stage, constantly improve and perfect the code, and finally basically achieve the expected UI page and function.


2.3On-site Programming

On-site Programming is a very challenging way to program and an important part of team programming. We can improve the code through flowcharts, logic diagrams, and pseudocode.

2.4Team Project


In the practice of team project, the important thing is how to efficiently carry out team cooperation and task allocation. In practice, under the leadership of the team leader, our team carried out an efficient division of team tasks, and everyone had clear tasks. When faced with some difficult problems, each member would actively put forward solutions and suggestions to deal with the problems together.



①UML Diagram:


The activity diagram, class diagram, use case diagram and state diagram of UML diagram are drawn by combining the knowledge about UML diagram taught by the teacher in class, learning the tutorials of different examples independently and using the tool Processon website.
②Demand Report:
By referring to the specification and standard of the demand report provided by the teacher, I thoroughly analyzed and evaluated our team project and then wrote a complete and logical demand report.
③Front-end Code:
On the basis and experience of writing small Bobing program code in pairs, I am more comfortable writing code for this team project. However, in the process of writing, I constantly realized that the difficulty of writing code for the team project deepened. However, through continuous in-depth learning in practice, we finally overcome the difficulty and successfully achieve the expected function of the program.

3.Technology And Tools

3.1Wechat Development Tools

In the process of using Wechat Development Tools, I continuously learned the writing methods of wxml, wxss, json and js files in depth, which combined with the practice of writing code, deepened my coding ability and gradually improved the project.

3.2Ink Knife

I like the simple page, rich functions and quick operation design of ink knife very much, which reduces the difficulty of page prototype design. The combination of teaching videos and my own practice of designing UI deepened my understanding of UI design. In addition, I can use more advanced professional UI design tools such as figma easily in the future by using the experience of ink knife.

3.3Process On

For drawing UML diagrams, choose ProcessOn, which is a free website, convenient and quick, easy to operate, very good to realize the drawing of class diagram, flow chart, use case diagram, state diagram. It also supports online collaboration and can cooperate with teammates at the same time, which is conducive to the progress of team projects.


Using the Flutter cross-platform framework, a single set of code runs on multiple sides with the
fluidity of native development. Because Flutter is open source, free, and has a loose open source agreement, it was very helpful for us to implement the project.

4.Sincere Summary

🏩Through the study of software engineering and software project development in this semester, I have learned a lot from the complete software development process. From the initial decision of development tools, prototyping, UML diagram drawing, code writing, started from nothing, step by step, finally we made something. Increasing my understanding of software development in the process. I was very impressed when I worked hard with my team members for the team project. Thank you Mr. Lin, for your instruction and help me taste the charm of software engineering!😄

①Video Link :
📱 Lab3-1:

②GitHub Link :
🎲 Lab2:
🔍 Lab3:

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