The Link Your Class | https://bbs.csdn.net/forums/MUEE308FZU202201 |
The Link of Requirements of This Assignment | https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/611628445 |
MU STU ID and FZU STU ID | 20124066&832002123 |
Video demo link | Video demo |
GitHub link | Github Link |
1.personal programming
The first two projects helped me review the usage of the C++, which made me more proficient in C++. First, i met some problems hard to deal with. After long time trying, the problems were solved. Then i tried to optimize the code finally it looks better.
For myself, although I encountered a lot of problems in the process, I always had an optimistic attitude to solve the problems, and finally learned the knowledge perfectly.
2. pair programming
In group programming, we have the clear goals and plans, so we work together really efficiently. In lab2 i worked with my partner Zijun Tang. We together used Axure to design every interfaces and we also programmed the code efficiently. In the process of cooperation, we can understand each other, can promote each other.
Lab1:Markdown editor C++
Lab2:Axure and Android Studio
Lab3: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Bobing software video: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTkxOTc5MTAzMg==.html
Bobing software GitHub link: https://github.com/BlueP0118/EE308_Lab2-2/tree/6b74bb3108fe26b4823c3a39a33d5adc6843ad45
group Team Project video:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Re411c7gM/?vd_source=fe9c12bf738b616a3bca949282c6090d
group Team Project GitHub link:https://github.com/LittleMatcher/EE308FZ-fund